4PUT.ru: A. Lange & Söhne - Black Magic Collection Ref: ALS 405 035, превью

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A. Lange & Söhne - Black Magic Collection Ref: ALS 405 035

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Размеры: 3543  X  2657  px
Объём: 1.59 Мб
Добавлено: 18:45:48, 17/06/2013
Раздел: Искусство
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Black discs: Vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance. For music enthusiasts, what counts is not the haptic experience of the black round with its large cover and liner notes. It’s the mechanical sampling of the spiral groove that creates a richly detailed, three-dimensional soundscape as in a concert hall. In the model DATOGRAPH UP/DOWN, the aesthetic thrill lies not only in the relief structure of the fine azuré grooves on the bright subsidiary dials. Lange’s calibre L951.6 ranks among connoisseurs as the technically most advanced and beautiful chronograph movement

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