4PUT.ru: A. Lange & Söhne - Black Magic Collection Ref: ALS 140 035, превью

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A. Lange & Söhne - Black Magic Collection Ref: ALS 140 035

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Размеры: 4800  X  3600  px
Объём: 1.96 Мб
Добавлено: 18:44:44, 17/06/2013
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Black and white: The camera in the background is reminiscent of the many pioneering mechanical accomp-lishments that originated in Saxony. The first camera for 35-mm perforated film was built here in 1932. It was followed four years later by the world’s first single-lens reflex camera. Exposure times as short as a thousandth of a second gave rise to masterpieces in black-and-white photography. The digital display of the model LANGE ZEITWERK also switches in fractions of a second with a gentle click. A patented constant-force escapement makes this possible

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