4PUT.ru: Army life; or, how soldiers are made (Illustraded from a series of animatograph pictures), превью

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Army life; or, how soldiers are made (Illustraded from a series of animatograph pictures)

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Размеры: 200  X  144  px
Объём: 10.89 Кб
Добавлено: 16:52:13, 04/10/2011
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Альбом фотографий, иллюстрирующих жизнь солдат в армии, и работу каждого отдела военной службы.

AFEW words of explanation may be offered as to the origin and objects of this Booklet. In consequence of the interest at present manifested in all matters concerning the Army, it occurred to the writer to take a series of .Animated

Photographs illustrating the life and career of a soldier, and the work of each branch of the Service. The project was laid before the War Office authorities, who, foreseeing- that recruiting would be stimulated by a more wide-spread knowledge of Army Lite, courteously gave every facility. The Animated Photographs thus secured are now being given as an entertainment in various parts of the country.

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